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What is ISLAM?

The literal meaning of Islam is peace; surrender of one’s will i.e. losing oneself for the sake of God and surrendering one’s own pleasure for the pleasure of God. The message of Islam was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) 1, 400 years ago. It was revealed through angel Gabriel (on whom be peace) and was thus preserved in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran carries a Divine guarantee of safeguard from interpolation and it claims that it combines the best features of the earlier scriptures.

The prime message of Islam is the Unity of God, that the Creator of the world is One and He alone is worthy of worship and that Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) is His Messenger and Servant. The follower of this belief is thus a Muslim - a Muslim’s other beliefs are: God’s angels, previously revealed Books of God, all the prophets, from Adam to Jesus (peace be on them both), the Day of Judgement and indeed the Decree of God. A Muslim has five main duties to perform, namely; bearing witness to the Unity of God and Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) as His Messenger, observing the prescribed prayer, payment of Zakat, keeping the fasts of Ramadhan and performing the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Islam believes that each person is born pure. The Holy Quran tells us that God has given human beings a choice between good and evil and to seek God’s pleasure through faith, prayer and charity. Islam believes that God created mankind in His image and by imbuing the attributes of God on a human level mankind can attain His nearness. Islam’s main message is to worship God and to treat all God’s creation with kindness and compassion. Rights of parents in old age, orphans and the needy are clearly stated. Women’s rights were safeguarded 1,400 years ago when the rest of the world was in total darkness about emancipation. Islamic teachings encompass every imaginable situation and its rules and principles are truly universal and have stood the test of time.

In Islam virtue does not connote forsaking the bounties of nature that are lawful. On the contrary one is encouraged to lead a healthy, active life with the qualities of kindness, chastity, honesty, mercy, courage patience and politeness. In short, Islam has a perfect and complete code for the guidance of individuals and communities alike. As the entire message of Islam is derived from the Holy Quran and indeed the Sunnah and Hadith (the traditions and practices of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings on him) it is immutable in the face of change in time and place. It may appear rigid to the casual eye, in actual fact it is most certainly an adaptable way of life regardless of human changes.

Islam teaches that the path to spiritual development is open to all. Any individual who searches the One Creator can seek nearness to God through sincere and earnest worship; it is central to establishing a relationship with the Almighty. This positive message for humanity fills hearts with hope and courage.

At present there are 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and they form the majority in more than 50 countries of the world. Today Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world - its beautiful message is reaching millions in the far corner of the earth.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rights of women in Islam

Rights of women in Islam
Hence: Sura number: Sentence/ Ayat number

Allah has created every living in Paris- male and female (51:49), including mankind. Allah has honored the children of Adam both male and female (17:70). Men and women who believe are protectors of one another (9:71). Allah will reward both men and women in the life after death (3:195).

In Islam, women was a distinct and separate identity, Islam has given women a right to own property. She is the owner of her earnings. No one (father, husband, or brother) has a right over them. She can dispose of her earnings and property as she wishes, within the bounds of halal (lawful) and haram (unlawful).

Islam has given women a right to inheritance. She has a part in the property of her dead father, mother, husband, and childless brother (4:7, 32, 176).

She has a right to choose her husband. No one can impose a decision on her against her will. She has a right to seek separation (khula) from her husband if their marriage becomes impossible to sustain.

The Qur’an asks the Muslims to treat women kindly (4:19). It makes Muslim husbands responsible for their wife’s maintenance. The women, in return, are expected to remain obedient and chaste (4:34)

A woman has a right to develop her talents and to work within the limits of Islam. Islam when allows Muslim men to marry Jewish or Christian chaste women it also allowed those non Muslim married women to retain her religion and her husband cannot interfere in this freedom.

Islam also allowed and hajj as per condition applied to them. Even if they performed any optional ibadah (like congregational prayer, jum’a prayer, eid prayer, fasting outside the month of Ramadan, optional charity, 2nd hajj etc.) they also get the same reward and same benefit as well as the men.

Islam is the last and final word of Allah, ending the series of his messages to mankind. It therefore came with a general law suitable for all times and places, and for the whole of humanity. It did not legislate for the men, while neglecting the women, nor for the city dweller only, while neglecting the migrant, nor for the cold regions while ignoring the hot ones, nor for one particular period of time, forgetting later times the generations to come. Islam is the complete code of life for al the time and for all human beings.

Written by Shaon  ,
Collect from IIUC International Islamic University Chittagong


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